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Nov 10, 2010
[h=1]A hero among heroes: Army Captain filmed kissing wounded comrade as he fought almost single-handedly for 7 hours against 60 Taliban is awarded Medal of Honor . . . on the day he re-enlists[/h]
  • Former Army captain, William Swenson, 34, received the nation's highest award the Medal of Honor at the White House this afternoon
  • Rewarded for his selfless bravery in fighting more than 60 Taliban during an ambush in September, 2009
  • Risked his life three times returning to the 'kill zone' to recover injured comrades
  • Refused to surrender to the Taliban forces and threw a grenade at them when they demanded it
  • Revealed today that he wants to return to the Army - will be granted the rank of Major
  • However, new investigation into video from attack questions the version of events and ferocity of ambush that day

A former Army Captain who fought off 60 Taliban almost single-handedly for seven hours, risking his life to save his fellow troops and even kissing one on the forehead as they were evacuated, became only the sixth living recipient of the Medal of Honor for service in Afghanistan and Iraq this afternoon.

Retired Captain William Swenson was awarded the nation's top military medal by President Obama at the White House who said that when his comrades needed him, he 'was there for his brothers'...'we thank God he was there for us all.'

Swenson was recognized for his bravery while traveling with a group of U.S. Marines and Afghan National Troops when they were ambushed from all sides outside the town of Ganjar on September 8th, 2009, killing 10 Afghan and four American troops - and answered the Taliban's call for surrender by throwing a hand grenade at them.
It was also revealed today that Swenson, 34, who retired from the military in February 2011 and has been living in Seattle has asked to return to active duty, and the Army is working to allow it.

Proud Moment: U.S. Army Capt. William Swenson is awarded the Medal of Honor by President Barack Obama on Tuesday, October 15, 2013, at the White House in Washington, DC

President Obama said that when his comrades needed him, Swenson 'was there for his brothers'...'we thank God he was there for us all'

Hero: Capt. William Swenson at a meeting with senior Zone (Brigade) leadership to discuss the security in Nuristan Province, Afghanistan, March 2009

Tenderness: The touching kiss that Captain Swenson laid on the forehead of Sgt. First Class Kenneth Westbrook after he was loaded onto the helicopter that had arrived to take him to safety in September 2009

Injured but saved: Some of the Afghan police forces that Captain Swenson saved through his selfless actions - which led to him being awarded the Medal of Honor this afternoon at the White House

Swenson, 34, took control when his superior officer was injured and he ran through gun fire to rescue his injured colleagues out in the exposed open - returning twice more to what the military dubs the 'kill zone' to recover the wounded and the dead.
Obama noted that although the honor has been bestowed nearly 3,500 times in U.S. history, never before had Americans been able to witness of a small part of the bravery that led to it.

Video captured from cameras mounted on the helmets of evacuation helicopter pilots showed Swenson delivering his good friend and partner, Sgt. First Class Kenneth Westbrook to the evacuation chopper and placing a kiss on his head as he placed him inside.
'Everybody was taking fire,' said Sgt. Kevin Duerst of the California National Guard, the chief of a medevac helicopter that flew into the valley to rescue the troops. 'The whole valley was just a giant ambush. It was crazy.'
Duerst told CBS News that he first spotted Swenson from the air.


Brother in arms: Sgt. First Class Kenneth Westbrook had been hit in the throat and was bleeding to death and was pulled to safety by Captain Swenson

Humble: President Barack Obama shakes hands with former Army Captain William D. Swenson of Seattle, Wash., after he awarded him the Medal of Honor during a ceremony in the East Room at the White House in Washington

'We saw him because he lay down with a panel marker,' he said to CBS News. 'It's a bright orange panel. He was laying on his back and it was on his chest so we could see him.'
Under a hail of bullets, Swenson managed to drag his friend, Sgt. Westbrook, to the chopper.
Westbrook had been hit in the throat and was bleeding to death.

'Sgt. Westbrook kind of leaned down and Capt. Swenson kind of leaned down and they had, they kind of looked at each other and it appeared that they were talking, but Capt. Swenson kissed him on the forehead and then tapped the side of his head,' Duerst said.

On Tuesday, Mr. Obama called that moment a 'simple act of compassion and loyalty to a brother in arms.'
Sadly though, Swenson did not get to see Westbrook again. Despite being transported by medevac to a field hospital, he died 29 days later.

'This guy had four broken ribs, a punctured lung, a shattered left shoulder,' said Westbrook's widow, Charlene Westbrook to CBS News.

'He had a shot on his neck which went through his aorta so he was bleeding pretty heavily.'
On his third and final death-defying trip to pull-out the fallen, Swenson was accompanied by then-Marine Cpl. Dakota Meyer, who also received the Medal of Honor for his actions that day.
Swenson was serving as a trainer and mentor embedded with the Afghan National Security Forces in Kunar Province in eastern Afghanistan when they came under fire near dawn on Sept. 8, 2009.

Obama recounted how Swenson dodged enemy fire, without a helmet, and risked his life to recover bodies and help save fellow troops. 'Will Swenson was there for his brothers,' Obama said.

US President Barack Obama recognizes the families of fallen US troops prior to awarding William Swenson, a former active duty Army captain, the Medal of Honor during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House

According to the official military records of the attack, as mortar and AK-47 fire reigned down, the roughly 106 men attached to Captain Swenson's group scattered as they were ambushed from all sides and surrounded.

The column consisted of 106 personnel, which included 60 Afghan National Army (ANA), 14 ANA mentors, 30 Afghan Border Police members, and U.S. Army Soldiers Capt. William Swenson and Sgt. 1st Class Kenneth Westbrook.

'Swenson observed enemy fighters to his east, swarming out from the high ground, attempting to flank his position. He immediately returned fire, and directed and coordinated the response of the ABP and ANA soldiers,' said the official narrative from the Department of Defense.

As the fierce firefight between the Coalitin forces and the Taliban raged, the calls of the wounded began to be heard as it became evident they were surrounded.
It was during the confused first hours of the battle that Swenson learned that his partner Sgt First Class Westbrook had been shot in the upper chest and was lying exposed under attack from the Taliban.

Rushing to aid his comrade without a second thought and coming under direct enemy fire, Swenson fired back and managed to fight his way to his friend who was lying near to an abandoned house.

Accompanied by an interpreter, it was at this point, pinned down and under fire that the Taliban came close enough to Swenson to issue a demand to surrender.


'Outnumbered, flanked and facing enemy capture, Swenson put down his radio and halted his treatment of Westbrook long enough to reply to the enemy’s demands for surrender, by throwing a hand grenade,' says the official citation.

'Following his example, the members of the TAC rallied. Swenson’s example, and his element’s stout resistance, effectively disrupted the enemy attack and pushed them back.'
After evacuating his tragic friend, Swenson climbed into an unarmored vehicle and drove to the 'kill zone' twice more to collect the dead and wounded - bringing them to the medevac zone.

He did this under massive enemy fire and it was only after the battle had raged for seven hours that Swenson was able to leave the field.

'Swenson was the core of the initial defense and two subsequent rescue efforts,' reads the official narrative of the incident.

'In seven hours of continuous fighting, Swenson braved intense enemy fire, and willfully put his life in danger against the enemy’s main effort, multiple times in service of his fallen and wounded comrades, his unit, his country, and his endangered Afghan partners.'
The Pentagon said that if it wasn't for Swenson, 12 soldiers would have lost their lives that day.
At the White House today, the president called Swenson a 'pretty low key guy,' who would rather be on a Pacific Northwest mountain trail surrounded by cedar trees instead of in front of the cameras at the White House.
But Obama, perhaps thinking of the current partisan budget dispute gripping Washington, said, 'I think our nation needs this ceremony today.'
Belated: The President personally told Capt Swenson he would be receiving the Medal of Honor after the original application was lost by officials

'In moments like this, Americans like Will remind us of what our country can be at its best, a nation of citizens who look out for one another, who meet our obligations to one another not just when it's easy, but also when it's hard - maybe especially when it's hard,' Obama said.

'And, Will, you're an example to everyone in this city and to our whole country of the professionalism and patriotism that we should strive for, whether we wear a uniform or not, not just on particular occasions but all the time.'
In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Swenson complained to military leaders iN Afghanistan after that many of his calls for help were rejected by superior officers.

Two Army officers were reprimanded for being 'inadequate and ineffective' and for 'contributing directly to the loss of life' following an investigation into the day's events.

Four Americans died in the ambush: 1st Lt. Michael Johnson, a 25-year-old from Virginia Beach; Staff Sgt. Aaron Kenefick, 30, of Roswell, Ga.; Corpsman James Layton, 22, of Riverbank, Calif.; and Edwin Wayne Johnson Jr., a 31-year-old gunnery sergeant from Columbus, Ga. A fifth man, Army Sgt. Kenneth W. Westbrook, 41, of Shiprock, N.M., later died from his wounds.

Indeed, this is only the second time since the Vietnam War that a two surviving veterans have received the Medal of Honor for their actions in the same battle.

However, following Swenson's criticism of the chain of command that day, his petition for Medal of Honor became lost - leading to suggestions it was pay-back for his open questioning of the tactics that day.

Highest Honor: Chart shows the number of Medals of Honor awarded by major war or conflict since the Civil War when the first medal was awarded in 1863

'What happened that day was a result of clouded judgment,' Swenson told CNN's Barbara Starr in a recent interview.

'It was a result of clouded judgment on behalf of people who did later receive letters of reprimand.'
The award was not granted to Swenson without little controversy.

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif, was critical of whether the Defense Department and the Pentagon purposely took their time in awarding the military's highest honor.

The internal investigation into the Ganjal battle showed up Swenson's deep criticism of the fight, during which he repeatedly called for air cover and was denied.

During this investigation the Army admitted they improperly denied the air support and two officers at the combat operations center who took those frantic calls were given reprimands.
Meanwhile, an ongoing journalistic investigation into the circumstances surrounding the ambush has questioned the version of events, at least of Marine Sgt. Dakota Meyer - who received the Medal of Honor for his bravery that day.

McClatchy.Com has pointed out that the poignant headcam video from the medevac of Sgt. Westbrook, directly contradicts Meyer, who claims that a 'swarm' a Taliban was on top of Swenson and them.

The video shot by the helicopter crew show no Taliban in that vicinity or anywhere else on the floor of the Ganjgal Valley at the time, which confilcts with 25-year-old Meyer's claims.

Indeed, Meyer wrote a 2012 book, 'Into the Fire: A Firsthand Account of the Most Extraordinary Battle in the Afghan War.'

However, Swenson seems to have had a change of heart and the Associated Press reported after his ceremony today that he has asked to return to active duty in the Army.

Two U.S. officials today told The Associated Press that William D. Swenson submitted a formal request to the Army and officials are working with him to allow his return.
Proud: President Barack Obama, first lady Michelle Obama, and retired Army Captain William D. Swenson of Seattle, Wash., walk back to the Blue Room after he was awarded the Medal of Honor at a ceremony in the East Room at the White House

The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the request until a decision was made.

Capt Swenson, who lives in Seattle, left the Army on February 1, 2011, after nearly nine years service.

In that time he was awarded the Bronze Star with two oak leaf clusters, the Purple Heart, the Army Commendation Medal, the Afghanistan Campaign Medal with one campaign star, the Iraq Campaign Medal with two campaign stars, the Combat Infantry Badge, the Ranger Tab and the Parachutists Badge.
In brief remarks to reporters following the ceremony, Swenson said the honor belongs not just to him, but all those who fought beside him.
'This award was earned with a team, a team of our finest,' Swenson said. 'This medal represents them; it represents us.'


Langer Fader
Jul 31, 2009
I give thanks to all who served for our freedom! I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart!

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Nov 10, 2010
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